Monday, October 27, 2008

Love Triangle with a Squirrel

The problem with a blog is, is that it is a long term relationship. A very committed relationship. And if you don't take care of said blog, or have the perfect match, well, relationship over and another poor, wounded log floats around.

My fingers are still numbed from my activities of last night. Now I understand why my skills at MarioKart dwindled to nil.

It's incredible how we react to different personalities. Some bring out the creative, or the nerdy, or aggravation. How lovely it would be if we chose the the people we had to come in contact with or see or hear.

And here's to apathy and all my sisters out there!

Detox out.

1 comment:

a. g. hayes said...

MarioKart = love
squirrels = even more love
apathy screws us over.
but, it's kind of fun. how sick.