Saturday, March 20, 2010


At last it feels about time to trade in my winter blacks and greys for summer khaki and red and yellow! That is a great thing! Especially after the hectic schedule of fall and the failings that my overly filled schedule resulted in.
But, all that is past, and while still insanely busy, I am able to trod on, with the end in sight. According to my plan, in Spring 2011 I will graduate with my Associates Degree, and then in the fall, jump back into the cycle of education for my remaining 2-3 years. It is nice having an end of sorts in sight. A large stepping stone in the midst of an enormous river, that allows one to sit, and revel, and rest until starting up and on again.

My contemplative self has returned as well! This is due in part to making time for, and allowing myself to be with my friends. Especially those who challenge and inspire the intellect. It helps dramatically to be surrounded by folk who are positive and uplifting.

One of the questions that we (myself and certain friends) have been pursuing is the question of meaning on the personal level. Why do you do what you do? I'm trying to approach it from a more humanistic perspective. I've seen so many people blindly answer that "God is the reason," using it as an excuse for self-elevation and importance, to callously push their needs "all for God" in front of others. But I want to know why you, that self that resides in that body, rejoices at the idea of doing whatever task or job or craft. Is it that you feel like you've fallen into your puzzle piece in the world, fitting perfectly with those in your environment? Or maybe it's the monetary value that comes from trading hours for monies, and the comfort and security that you've procured. Maybe it's something that you know you can be successful at, and work through the difficult times? I don't know. But I want to know what y'all think!

I've been thinking about why I do what I do. Why Parks and Recreation Management? Why is that I like it? While this may seem trite, I enjoy it. But I know that's not enough. Simply enjoying it won't satisfy the questioning of a hiring committee! So, more reasons are needed! I enjoy being a necessary part of the community and impacting society for the better (hopefully!), I value the availability of parks and green spaces being freely available to all that wish to use them. I see Parks and Recreation as a tool to education and better lives. Fitness and a healthy lifestyle are vital to happy communities, as well as successful educations and development. Parks bring communities together into a public, friendly space. Friendships start, you get a feel for your community, which leads to more civic involvement on the individual level. And that builds into action and involvement on all the levels of a town or city. I think parks can help give people a sense of humanity that gets lost.

Anyway, I could go on. :-) Now to develope all my wee points into a impressive statement!

But, still, why do you do what you do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that your keeping well Laura.