Sunday, July 4, 2010


So, I’m reading along in my developmental psych book (actually being productive with my morning!), and come across a section addressing creativity in the early adulthood stage. The majority of the section was dedicated to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a Hungarian psychologist who studies creativity and what he calls ‘flow.’

“Flow, whether in creative arts, athletic competition, engaging work, or spiritual practice, is a deep and uniquely human motivation to excel, exceed, and triumph over limitation.” (EnlightenNext Magazine)

My textbook then listed some ways to cultivate curiosity and take steps towards a more creative, ‘flowing’ life, based on Csikszentmihalyi’s research.

-Try to be surprised by something everyday
-Try to surprise at least one person everyday (something out of the predictable pattern of your life.)
-Write down what surprises you and how you surprised others
-When something sparks your interest, follow it!
-Wake up each morning with a specfic goal to look forward to
-Spend time in settings that stimulate creativity

I have a happy life, and I have a full life. Work and school amount to being a busy girl! I know that at this stage in my life I am where I should be and pursuing what I’m meant to be. But I still want to improve and grow, and explore. So I’m excited to delve more deeply into Csikszentmihalyi’s writings and thoughts about creativity and living a full and happy life.

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