Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Musts

1. Wash the dishes in my sink that I've been avoiding eye contact with.
2. Pull out my cloth and thread and sew something unrelated to my crazy quilt.
3. Revise and reformat resume.
4. Along those same lines, prepare cover letter.
5. >strike>Start WNCCL website banner in Photoshop. I've got ideas!
6. Listen to one new artist/album. [it's so easy to get in a rut of the familiar]
7. Do some yoga. Seriously, do it.
8. Print pictures for Kyle's mom.


Anonymous said...

6. Listen to one new artist/album. [it's so easy to get in a rut of the familiar]

I would highly recommend you check out a new British group called 'Bats For Lashes' Laura!

Laura said...

Oo, thanks for the suggestion! I'll look them up once I get home!

Anonymous said...

My laundry pile keeps growing...but I'm also avoiding eye contact with it at the moment. lol]

I want to do yoga soon...its so relaxing and I enjoy it so much...but finding the time is another story.

Hope you got your to-do list somewhat finished :)