Sunday, August 30, 2009


I like to think of myself as intellectual and smart, uniquely qualified to live my life simply and fully due to my strange upbringing, the opportunities that have been given me, the values and skills I possess that have been/are recognized by great people, and motivation to do exactly as I desire with the support of those great people and Kyle.

After writing that all out and re-reading, I sound arrogant, don't I? But I don't feel as if that's wrong. I am Laura, completely different and skilled from everyone else in the world. I can do it, and if I want to, I will. [I am woman, hear me roar] The people who see that and value it in me are amazing, and are the most incredible supporters. They feed me confidence and show me my strengths. I love them and admire them for that.

I am blessed to have those people, so very blessed. I was talking with one of them the other day, about how supporting relationships shouldn't be so much about what 'they can do for me' but 'what can I do for them.' Afterwards, thinking about the conversation, I realized that's a mindset, and quality. I've always enjoyed going out and helping people with things--be it compiling information, researching, bringing them little gifts, notes, working/volunteering at events. And I think, as long as I'm able to enjoy being helpful, there will always be someone wise and helpful nearby who sees that, and will have the same attitude towards me.

Let's hope so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've always came across to me Laura as one funny, sensitive and caring individual! Theirs not many around! Individuality is so important but more importantly is so welcome when it positively effects the life's of you obviously do!! Go girl!