Tuesday, August 25, 2009

plinks and tinks

there's a strange, mild sorrow in my throat lately. it's a missing and a fear. a missing of my mother and the fear of losing again.
i find it strange how cyclical my mood and feelings are. around the 23-25 of the month i feel down and sad. it feels right tho, that those days marking the months in passing are felt in some way, and don't pass blindly by into time.


Organic Meatbag said...

I am sorry for your loss...it is a hard burden to bear...

Anonymous said...

Stay strong Laura. She'd be proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Laura. Hope that everything is alright? Take your time, this outlet is always here for you...

Laura said...

Thanks! It's just how it is. Grief is a strange, complex thing. It's completely outside the passing of time.