Tuesday, March 3, 2009

rocks and sticks and butterflys, oh my!

as children, when we found amazing treasures, either in nature or as a gift received, we would show off our treasure, eager to share its wonder with everyone around, yet still guarding and keeping it close.
i see this instinctual habit manifested in grown-up life as well, though more often than not void of all innocence. it's in the showing off of the new car, the flat screen tv, a big house with too many rooms, the many trips.
the pure joy of showing and sharing has grown into a ugly, materialistic contest.
how sad.
i am glad that i know people who are the exception to this evolution. and they live happier than those with many toys.


a. g. hayes said...

Yesterday, Samuel dropped my camera into the snow, and though I did freak out for a second, I later came to the conclusion that it was a life lesson given to me. Materialistic things can't give you ultimate happiness, therefore we shouldn't become so addicted to them.

Anonymous said...

So true Laura..