Friday, November 14, 2008

red and orange and green

When I signed up for my photography class, I was expecting a "traditional" digital photography class (I know, traditional and digital can't exactly be in the same room as each other.). As soon as I was sitting in the first class of the semester, I knew that wasn't going to be the case. I love my photog class! It feels more like an art class than a photog class.

Right now we're doing a joint project with the Drawing I class. Each day we have a "theme" like "form and color." They give us a material (exp, yesterday they gave us metal), which we then have to create a "drawing" out of and take pictures of. We then collect some other material (fiber), create another "drawing" and take pictures. Then we bag up the new material and pass it off to the drawing class for them create an actual drawing from. And so it goes in a cycle. At the end of this, our collective materials and art will be displayed. Isn't that cool? I love it. This is definitely increasing my desire to take more art classes, not just along the lines of photography, but in other areas like sculpture and printmaking.

I'll get pictures from this project up here soon. My work computer hates my external drive and refuses to work with Ext. She feels that Ext is too much a player, going from computer to computer and connecting with each one. I can understand I suppose.

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