Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why I Write Agape

Today is the 2nd Annual To Write Love on Her Arms Day. If you're not already familiar with TWLOHA, it's an organization that seeks to help those struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide. The incredible story of how it all became is on their website. Today is a day where they seek to spread awareness and support by people writing "love" on their arm. I decided to write agape.

Agape is the love of God. Natural, inclusive, unconditional and yet voluntary. And the definition of the English adjective of agape (rhymes with grape, as in: Her mouth was agape.) is "wide open." (Hurrah for tangent link following!) Those two things, love and wide open, perfectly express the type of Christian love I want to exemplify--a wide open love for those I know and don't know.

I think that having different verbs to expresses the different nuances is a splendid thing. It's easy to say "love" in relation to so many things. Which makes the word over-used and maybe even not as meaningful.

And that, is why I wrote "agape."

"[Agape is] An intentional response to promote well-being when responding to that which has generated ill-being." -Thomas Jay Oord

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