Saturday, April 11, 2009

Distraction, thou art a monster.

i don't know what it is...but i dont think i cry enough.
my spirit is a very odd thing--it's no problem for me to outwardly show those that i am closest to that i am not a happy girl for whatever reason, but when something heart-rending is ripping about my insides and sinking my heart, i do everything in my power to self-contain the torrent of painful emotion. perhaps my outlet is only dependent on the weight of whatever issue. something petty is easy to reveal, whereas the heaviest of sorrows are too entwined with the essence of Laura to let go. or perhaps i'm too tired to meet it and work through the emotional maze, so it's easier to mount my steed Distraction and flee.
Distraction is exhausting however. i feel the stress in the corners of my mouth right now. even this, writing about it, is distraction.


Anonymous said...

I do cry! Music, films, memories can all kick it off. I'm not really sure if its a good thing or not, or even what it says about me? Sometimes been to sensitive has the tendency to make one miss things?!

Laura said...

I could argue the other side and say that insensitivity make cause one to miss things too! :-) I suppose all in all, it's about finding the perfect balance.