Tuesday, April 14, 2009

fan and fic

It's another dreary, rainy day here in the spring mountains of western North Carolina. But last night I braved the drizzle and made a library raid. My selection was indeed strange: Wobegon Boy and Lake Wobegon Summer 1956, both by Garrison Keillor (whom I share a birthday with!), Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier (which I read in whole last night), The Ladies of Grace Adieu: and other stories by Susanna Clake, and The Crown Rose by Fiona Avery.
So I have a mixture of fantasy and I guess it would be called good ol' plain Americana fiction.
Anyway, my evening was lovely, snacking and reading and feeling a little bit mystical. The weather aided that magic feeling, adding mist and sparkle to the view from my window.
I've missed reading for hours on end.
And if the weather stays rainy rainy, hours more I shall spend reading! Yay!


a. g. hayes said...

Garrison Keillor is love. Personally, I share the birthdays of Sandra Bernhard and Paul Giamatti. Haha. I'm sure you wanted to know.

Laura said...

Paul Giamatti is fantastic! If I had to describe him as a texture it would sand and oil.