Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Associate 13

Greetings from Hendersonville Kmart's newest associate! I shall be whiling away my weekends in pursuit of additional funds to increase my net worth and perhaps the allowance of a new(ish) car. My employment has already been compared to prostitution, Kyle being my pimp and sending me out to work at the Kmart! It's apt.

I get to add on to my already extensive resume (it's hard keeping it down to one page!), where retail will join the ranks of food industry, hr and payroll, soccer refereeing, and a myriad of office jobs. I remember when babysitting and refereeing were my only previous employments!

And I get to look forward to a post-21st birthday vacation with Kyle in which we will laze and drink and eat and sun and swim.

Perhaps I'll have a life of my own again, in which I'm not laboring my hours away for money or excellelent grades...maybe.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have tagged you, my newest blogger friend:)