Friday, May 1, 2009

I've been double-tagged!

A. Mention the person who nominated you.

The insightful and thought-provoking Greenfingers and new blog-acquaintance Morgan!

B. List six (un)important things that make you happy.

1. Spring morning air. It's so clean and crisp and makes me want to run away to the mountains for the entire day.

2. Sushi. So good!

3. Random lists and questionnaires such as this!

4. Drinking coffee outside

5. Getting to sleep in and Kyle getting up before me

6. The primary colors+black.

C. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.

1. Valarie
2. Akaisha
3. Chelsea Belle
4. My dear Kyle
5. Autumn's Darkroom
6. Jjenvy


jjenvy said...

hello i tagged you back!
have an awesome day :)

Anonymous said...

Drinking coffee outside and the black...that's me all over!

Laura said...

I've always liked black and have worn it quite a bit. There were a couple people who would bother me about it, asking if I was sad or depressed. No! I'd say, I just like black!
They were a little shocked when I started using black nail polish, but it's hardly to be gothic or a reflection of my soul! ;-)