Monday, December 8, 2008

Tetris *pop*

There was an interview of some artist guy on 60 Minutes last night. Usually I admire the artistic, and pull my own inspiration or thoughts from their work. But this guy was so condescending and arrogant that it completely made his work repulsive. When the reporter brought up a severe critic of the artist, the artist was offended and too upset to go on with the interview. Later on in the interview the reporter asked if the artist has a big ego. This guy looked at the reporter and told him that that was a rediculous question, implying "how in the world can you even think of asking me that?"
I say all that to say this: That guy took himself and his art too seriously. I think you can be serious about your art (or whatever you do), but when that seriousness takes over your amusment and joy, it's no longer enjoyable. Sure, this artist is some big thing, but he really didn't seem all that happy.


a. g. hayes said...


and if the artist is arrogant and an egotistic maniac, the less fans he will have. It's okay to be nice. So many people don't understand that. It doesn't matter if you're artsy fartsy or not, niceness never hurt anybody.

Rosie the Cat said...

Oh man, 'stupidhead' is right. This guy I was in art school with was like that. He actually said, "it's not supposed to be fun, it's work." That tells a lot right there. I think it's interesting that a huge ego really ruins anything from that artist.