Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I can empathize, but not if you're unworthy.

Attending a community college provides chances to see and interact a wide range of people. Thus far, it's been great. I do possess that gift that lets me talk with almost anyone, but I prefer to watch and notice people in my classes and on my way to class. Usually my observations are of no or little consequence, small bits that I pull amusement from. But a couple days ago as I was walking up the hill to math class, I overheard two women talking. They seemed to be in their 30's. They were complaining about the amount of out of class work that they had to do, bemoaning the fact that no one seemed to be aware of the fact that they each had children and homes to take care of, and that, for that reason, it's so much harder for them than anyone else.

Now, I do admire anyone who goes back to school after being out for a few or more years. Especially mothers who are taking care of their families and households on top of trying to get get a degree and better their position in life. I know it's hard.

But these two ladies (at least in the 15 seconds or so of conversation that I heard), were so self-centered in their complaining. Do they realize that the vast majority of students there are working and attending school at the same time? That they're not the only ones stressed and tired, doing a billizion different things, working to pay bills and pay food?

Maybe they do. And maybe they don't care. But still....complaining annoys me, especially when I'm in a similar place. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm tired and stressed, but that's just how it is for now. I won't whine about it. SO grow up, buckle down, charge on through, and it'll be okay!

1 comment:

a. g. hayes said...


p.s. I prefer this color scheme. It's easy on the eyes.