Wednesday, February 25, 2009

love love love in many ways

Chelsea's post the other day got me thinking about all the things, people, places that I adore. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got...both because I love making lists of any sort, and the things that I love excite me anyway! It all ties into my belief that life should be good and exciting, null of apathy.

So, I love Kyle and how he loves me back. I love the growth that he's inspired, and what I've done with him in my life. I love the fact that our love is little old man and old lady love (at least, that's the title in my mind) that runs strong, mature, passionate and deep, but still increases in all those areas. I love the mountains; seeing, climbing, sitting on, breathing the air that flows over them. How can you not be happy when you're sitting on a mtn top, looking down into valleys and at the mtns beyond? Listening to the wind and being memorized by the cloud shapes in the sky? I could go on... I love being in love and how it fills my being with happiness and excitement, that overflows into to other areas of my life, enriching them, going on in a grand cycle. I think it doesn't matter so much what type of love you have, be it romantic love for another person, dedicated love to a job, or just a love of life, as long as there is some type of external love to nurture and inspire. I love that art exists, and I can use it expressively. I love coffee, the taste and smell that can make carry a morning from 'alright' over to 'perfect.' I love the feeling after a good cry, the relief and tired newness. I love memories and how a single picture can bring back so much. I love that I know interesting people, who are brilliant and intriguing. I love that there are creative people who share their ideas and show off their projects. I love music, and how, when it's really good, goes straight into my mind and heart. I love festival ambiance. I love the feeling of heading off on an adventure, be it a grand trip to the beach, or a day in the mtns. I love the feeling that comes with getting a good grade on my math test! Triumph is mine indeed! I love running around like a little kid, capturing the care-free attitude once more. I love that I'm good at my job and that it's exciting to me. I love all my idiosyncrasies and odd things. I love that I do follow my heart and head. I love the summer. I love that my life is exactly what I always hoped it would be, and that it's this way now. I love trees and all the symbolize. I love the beach and watching the ocean flirting with the shore, and the sun warming from the top and the sand from underneath.

There's so much that I love! It would take too long and become boring to list (that's an impossible task) everything that brings me joy, comfort, and excitement.

But I think these are the most important? Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And always love that fact that your in love Laura.